Academic Honors

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2025 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Ohio State University, OH, USA.
Recipient, 2024 Distinguished Researcher and Creative Activity (DRCA) Award, Brock University, ON, Canada

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2024 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Manchester Business School, Manchester, U.K.

Recipient, 2024 Shri BML Jain Lifetime Achievement Award,,

For Contributions to the field of Marketing Theory and Practice

15th International Conference on Research in Marketing

MARKCON 2024, Indus Business Academy, Bangalore, India.
Recipient, 2023 Tara Lifetime Achievement Award,

For Contributions to Marketing, Strategy and Policy

Marketing Strategy and Policy Conference and Newcastle University, U.K.

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2023 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, BI School, Norway, Oslo, Norway.

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2023 AIM-American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, JAGSOM, Bangalore, India.

Winner, 2023 Best Teacher Award
PGPPRO (EMBA) Cohorts 2022, ISB, India

Winner, 2022 Best Teacher Award

PGPPRO (EMBA) Cohorts 2021, ISB, India

Recipient of the oldest and the most distinguished

 – 2022 Charles Coolidge Parlin Award,

American Marketing Association Foundation, Chicago, IL

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2021 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2021 AIM-American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, JAGSOM, IN

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2020 Marketing Strategy ConsortiumUniversity of Texas at Austin, TX December 4 – 5.

Invited as Keynote Speaker to 4th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy, London, U.K., December 10-11, 2020.

2019 AMA Higher Education SIG’s Lifetime Achievement Award

Analytics Hall of Fame : Inducted into the Analytics Hall of Fame, New York, 2019

Distinguished Speaker to the Qatar Leadership Alumni, Qatar, Doha, January 2019.

Faculty Scholar to the 2019 AIM-American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA), Ahmedabad, India

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2019 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, New York University, New York, NY

Invited as Keynote Speaker to the Academy of International Business Studies, 16th Annual JIBS Paper Development Workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2019.

Invited as Keynote Speaker to the Leeds Marketing Research Camp, Leeds, United Kingdom, July 2019.

Invited as a Distinguished Speaker to the Qatar Leadership Alumni, Qatar, Doha, January 2019.

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2019 AIM-American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, MICA, Ahmedabad, India

Finalist to the 2018 Sheth Foundation Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (J. Andrew Petersen, Kumar V, Yolanda Polo, and F. Javier Sese).

Distinguished Research Fellow : IIM Bangalore, Bangalore, India, November 2018.

Keynote Speaker to the Customer Centricity Conference, Mumbai, India

Keynote Speaker to the 11th Latin America Retail Conference(CLAV) at Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 2018

Finalist to the 2018 Hunt/Maynard Award for the paper published in the Journal of Marketing in 2017 for the best contribution to the theory of marketing.

Keynote Speaker to the 12th Annual Bass Forms Conference at UT Dallas, March 2018.

Cecil and Ida Green Honors Professor for the 2017-2018 academic year

Finalist to the 2017 Sheth Foundation Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Nita Umashankar, Yashoda Bhagwat, and V. Kumar).

Finalist to the 2017 Sheth Foundation Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Anita Pansari and Kumar V.)

Finalist to the 2017 Sheth Foundation Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Kumar, V, Jeewon (Brianna) Choi and Malik Green).

Keynote Speaker : Marketing Strategy Meets Wall Street Conference, San Francisco, California, August 2017. 

S. Tamer Cavusgil Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of International Marketing in 2016.

Donald R. Lehmann Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Marketing/Journal of Marketing Research in a 2-year period (2015 – 2016)

MSI/ H. Paul Root Award for the paper published in Journal of Marketing in 2016 that best contributes to the practice of Marketing.

Harold H. Maynard Award for the paper published in Journal of Marketing in 2016 for the best contribution to the theory of marketing.

Keynote Speaker : Thought Leadership Conference on Customer Engagement at the Indian School of Business, July 2017

Keynote Speaker : Inaugural Research Camp at the Indian School of Business, July 2017

Keynote Speaker : Albert Haring Syposium at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University.

Keynote Speaker : American Marketing Association Global Marketing SIG Conference, Havana, Cuba

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2017 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2017 AIM-American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Welingkar Education (WeSchool), Mumbai, India.

Fellow : Inducted as the Fellow of the American Marketing Association

Taylor & Francis/SMA Distinguished Scholar Award : Winner, Taylor & Francis/SMA Distinguished Scholar Award, 54th Annual SMA Conference in Atlanta, GA.

Faculty Fellow : Recognized as the Faculty Fellow by the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study in 2016. (The first marketing academic to receive the honor.)

Chang Jiang Scholar : Recognized as the Advisory Professor, the highest honor given by Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, for the period of 2016-2019.

Advisory Professor : Recognized as the Advisory Professor, the highest honor given by Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, for the period of 2016-2019.

Distinguished Professor : Recognized as the 2016 Distinguished Professor, the highest honor given by Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China for significant contributions as the Chang Jiang Scholar (2013-2016).

Dean’s Distinguished Scholar : Recognized as the Mays Dean’s Distinguished Scholar at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 2016.

Donald R. Lehmann Award : Winner, the 2016 Donald R. Lehmann Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Marketing/Journal of Marketing Research in a 2-year period (2014 – 2015).

Keynote Speaker : Invited as Keynote Speaker to the 2016 India4US Forum, Atlanta, GA.

MSI/ H. Paul Root Award : Finalist, the MSI/ H. Paul Root Award for the paper published in Journal of Marketing in 2016 that best contributes to the practice of Marketing.

Faculty Scholar : Faculty Scholar to the 2016 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana.

Faculty Scholar:Faculty Scholar to the 2016 AIM-American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad, India

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the Thought Leaders in Service Marketing Strategy Conference, HEC, Jouy-en-Josas, France

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 2016 European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Oslo, Norway.

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 5th International Research Conference in Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.

ISBM-Wilson-Sheth Foundation Award : Winner, 2016 ISBM-Wilson-Sheth Foundation Award for Long Term Impact in B2B Marketing. (Based on the papers published in top marketing journals)

Recognized as the ISB Senior Fellow, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India 2015.

Editor’s Choice Award : Winner, Editor’s Choice Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing in a five year period (2010-2014).

S. Tamer Cavusgil Award : Winner, S. Tamer Cavusgil Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of International Marketing in 2014

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2015 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, London Business School, London, England

AMS Cutco/Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator Award : Winner, 2015 AMS Cutco/Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator Award, 2015 AMS Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.

Lee Kong Chian Fellow : Recognized as the Lee Kong Chian Fellow at Singapore Management University, Singapore.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the Inaugural AMS Doctoral Consortium, Denver, Colorado, May 2015.

Davidson Award : Runner-up, the 2015 Davidson Award for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Retailing in a 2-year period(2013-2014).

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2015 AIM-American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Institute of Management Technology Dubai, Dubai.

Donald R. Lehmann Award : Winner, the 2014 Donald R. Lehmann Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Marketing / Journal of Marketing Research in a 2-year period (2012-2013).

Faculty Scholar :  Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the Doctoral Consortium in Services Marketing at the Frontiers in Services Conference Miami, FL.

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 2014 Shopper Marketing and Pricing Conference Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2014 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Harold H. Maynard Award : Finalist, the Harold H. Maynard Award for the paper published in Journal of Marketing for the best contribution to the theory of marketing.

Outstanding Service Excellence Award : Winner, 2013 Outstanding Service Excellence Award, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University.

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 2013 Marketing E.D.G.E. Research Summit, Chicago, IL.

Chang Jiang Scholar : Recognized as the Chang Jiang Scholar by the Chinese Ministry of Education, 2013 (for the period of January 2014 – December 2017).

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 2013 Annual Conference of Emerging Markets Conference Board, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 2013 Emerging Markets Conference Board Doctoral Consortium Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Regents’ Professor : Selected as a Regents’ Professor from J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University.

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 2013 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad, India

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to International Marketing Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Outstanding Author Contribution Award : Winner, 2012 Outstanding Author Contribution Award by the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence for the best paper published in the Review of Marketing Research.

Outstanding Teacher Excellence Award : Recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Excellence Award from J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University.

MSI/ H. Paul Root Award : Finalist, the MSI/ H. Paul Root Award for the paper published in Journal of Marketing in 2012 that best contributes to the practice of Marketing.

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 2012 International Marketing Conference Indian Institute of Management-Lucknow, Lucknow, India.

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 2012 International Marketing Conference: MARCON, Indian Institute of Management-Calcutta, Calcutta, India.

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 2012 University Speaker Series Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Brazil.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.

Keynote Scholar : Invited as a Keynote Scholar to Chinese Marketing Scholars Forum University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong, China.

Paul Converse Award : Winner, 2012 Paul D. Converse Award for achievements and contributions to the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) body of work(Lifetime Achievement Award #8).

Center for Asian Consumer Insights : Won $25,000 in research grant awarded by the Center for Asian Consumer Insights, Singapore for the research on “Diagnosing Brand Preference in Asian Markets” in 2012.

Harold H. Maynard Award : Finalist, the Harold H. Maynard Award for the paper published in Journal of Marketing in 2011 for significant contribution to marketing theory and thought.

Keynote Speaker : Invited as a Keynote Speaker to International Marketing Conference Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata, India.

Keynote Speaker : Invited as the Keynote Speaker to the 2011 World Marketing Forum, Global Marketing Network, Accra, Ghana.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Outstanding Research Excellence Award : Winner, 2011 Outstanding Research Excellence Award, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia.

Gary L. Lillien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize : Winner of the 2011-2012 Gary L. Lillien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize from University of Maryland.

Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award : Winner, 2011 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Marketing between 2002 and 2006.

Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award : Winner of the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award for making long-term contribution in the field of marketing and theory.

Finalist, the Harold H. Maynard Award for the paper published in the Journal of Marketing in 2011 for significant contribution to marketing theory and thought.

Winner, Donald R. Lehmann Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Marketing / Journal of Marketing Research in a 2-year period (2009 – 2010).


Donald R. Lehmann Award : Winner, the 2011 Donald R. Lehmann Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Marketing / Journal of Marketing Research in a 2-year period (2009-2010).

Robert Buzzell Award : Winner, the Robert Buzzell Award for the paper published by the Marketing Science Institute in 2010 that best contributes to the practice of Marketing.

DMEF, Robert G. Clarke Outstanding Educator Award : Recipient of the 2010 DMEF Robert B. Clarke Outstanding Educator Award for lifetime contributions to Direct and Interactive Marketing.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a faculty scholar to the 2010 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Texas Christian University, Fort worth, TX.

Best Professor in Marketing Trophy and Certificate : Best Professor in Marketing Trophy and Certificate from and Asia’s Best Business School Awards Program.



ISMS – MSI Practice Prize : Finalist, 2009-2010 ISMS – MSI Practice Prize, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.

MSI/Paul H. Root Award : Winner, the MSI/Paul H. Root Award for the paper published in Journal of Marketing in 2009 that best contributes to the Practice of Marketing.

MSI/Paul H. Root Award : Finalist, the MSI/Paul H. Root Award for the paper published in Journal of Marketing in 2009 that best contributes to the Practice of Marketing.

Harold H. Maynard Award : Finalist, the Harold H. Maynard Award for the paper published in Journal of Marketing in 2009 for significant contribution to marketing theory and thought.

Davidson Award : Winner, the Davidson Award for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Retailing in 2009.

AMA Retailing SIG Lifetime Contributions Award : Recipient of the 2009 AMA Retailing SIG Lifetime Contributions Award for his contributions to Retailing, Summer AMA Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL.

Churchill Lifetime Contributions Award : Recipient of the 2009 AMA Marketing Research SIG Churchill Lifetime Contributions Award for his contributions to Marketing Research, Summer AMA Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL.

AMA 25 Year Consortium Fellow Research Excellence Award : Recipient, the 2009 AMA 25 Years Consortium Fellow Research Excellence Award from AMA Foundation for his Scholarly Achievements and Contributions to Marketing Thought and Practice.

Winner, the Sheth Foundation Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2009.

Direct Marketing Program : Member of the Direct Marketing Program from Harvard University.

Co-Chair : Invited as Co-Chair to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.



The Harold H. Maynard Award : Finalist, the Harold H. Maynard Award for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Marketing in 2008 for significant contribution to marketing theory and thought.

ISBM Faculty Fellow : Recognized as the ISBM Faculty Fellow, Penn State University, State College, PA.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to 2008 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Missouri Columbia, MO.



Sheth Foundation Award : Winner, the Sheth Foundation Award for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2007.

AMA Strategy SIG Mahajan Award : Recipient of 2007 AMA Strategy SIG Mahajan Award for Lifetime Contribution to Marketing Strategy Summer AMA Educators’ Conference, Washington D.C.

AMA IOSIG Lifetime Contributions Award to InterOrganizational Issues : Recipient of 2007 AMA IOSIG Lifetime Contributions Award to Inte rOrganizational Issues, Summer AMA Educators’ Conference, Washington D.C.

ISMS Practice Prize : Finalist, the 2007 ISMS Practice Prize, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2007 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Graduate Teaching Excellence Award : Recipient of the Graduate Teaching Excellence Award from University of Connecticut.

Honorable Mention Award for Best Paper : Recipient of the Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, University of Connecticut.

Teaching Excellence Award : Recipient of Teaching Excellence Award from MBA Program, University of Connecticut.



$100,000 ISBM/MSI Academic Practitioner Challenge  : Winner, the $100,000 ISBM/MSI Academic Practitioner Challenge, Chicago, August, 2006.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to the 2006 American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

ISMS Practice Prize : Finalist, the ISMS Practice Prize, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2006.

Best Paper Award : Runner-up for the Best Paper Award from Journal of Interactive Marketing.



Co-Chair :  Invited as Co-Chair to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

MSI/Paul H. Root Award : Winner of the MSI/Paul H. Root Award from MSI for The Paper Published in Journal of Marketing in 2005 that Best Contributes to the Practice of Marketing.

Outstanding Reviewer Award : Recipient of the Outstanding Reviewer Award from Journal of Retailing.



Best Paper Award : Recipient of the Best Paper Award from University of Connecticut, 2004-2005.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.



Donald R. Lehmann Award : Winner of the Donald R. Lehmann Award from Journal of Marketing for The Best Paper Published in Journal of Marketing / Journal of Marketing Research In a 2-year period (2003-2004).

MSI/Paul H. Root Award : Winner of the MSI/Paul H. Root Award from MSI for the paper published in Journal of Marketing in 2003 that best contributes to the practice of marketing.



Best Paper Award : Recipient of the Best Paper Award from University of Connecticut.

Research Excellence Award : Recipient of the Research Excellence Award from University of Connecticut.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.



Donald R. Lehmann Award : Winner, the Donald R. Lehmann Award for the best Paper published in Journal of Marketing / Journal of Marketing Research in a 2-year period (1999-2000), August 2001.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL.


Melcher Research Excellence Award : Winner of the Melcher Research Excellence Award from University of Houston.

Outstanding Paper Award : Winner of the Outstanding Paper Award from International Journal of Forecasting for the Best Paper published in a 2 year period (2000-2001) in the International Journal of Forecasting.


Melcher Award : Recipient of the Melcher Award from University of Houston for Faculty Excellence in Research.


Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Melcher Research Excellence Award : Winner of the Melcher Research Excellence Award from University of Houston.

Faculty Scholar : Winner of the Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Faculty Consortium, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.


Melcher Award : Winner of the Melcher Award from University of Houston for Faculty Excellence in Research.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH.


Melcher Award : Winner of the Melcher Award from University of Houston for Faculty Excellence in Teaching.

Faculty Scholar : Invited as a Faculty Scholar to American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder Boulder, CO.


Melcher Teaching Excellence Award : Recipient of the Melcher Teaching Excellence Award from University of Houston.


NationsBank Master Teaching Award : Winner of the NationsBank Master Teaching Award from University of Houston.

Distinguished Faculty Award : Winner of the Distinguished Faculty Award from University of Houston College of Business Alumni Association for Research, Teaching and Service.

Melcher Teaching Excellence Award : Winner of the Melcher Teaching Excellence Award from University of Houston.


Melcher Teaching Excellence Award : Winner of the Melcher Teaching Excellence Award from University of Houston.


Melcher Teaching Excellence Award : Winner of the Melcher Teaching Excellence Award from University of Houston.


Melcher Teaching Excellence Award : Winner of the Melcher Teaching Excellence Award from University of Houston.

Teaching Excellence Award : Winner, UH Teaching Excellence Award, University of Houston, 1991-1992.


Kent Electronics Computer Research Excellence Award : Winner of the Kent Electronics Computer Research Excellence Award from University of Houston.


Melcher Research Excellence Award : Winner of the Melcher Research Excellence Award, University of Houston, 1989-1990.


Abell-Hanger Endowed Presidential Fund Scholarship : Awarded the Abell-Hanger Endowed Presidential Fund Scholarship from University of Texas.

Bonham Fellowship : Awarded the Bonham Fellowship from Graduate School of Business, University of Texas.

Fellowship : Fellow, 1984 AMA Doctoral Consortium, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

University Fellowship : Awarded a University Fellowship from University of Texas.

Tucker’s Excellence Fund : Awarded the Tucker’s Excellence Fund from University of Texas.


Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society : Member of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Texas, Austin, TX.

Gold Medal : Awarded the Gold Medal from Indian Institute of Technology in Recognition Of being Ranked First in the Masters Program.

Honors in the Bachelors Program : Graduated with Honors in the Bachelors Program from Indian Institute of Technology.