Dr. Kumar was selected as one of the distinguished “Legends in Marketing,” and his research work is compiled and featured in the “Legends in Marketing” Series, edited by Dr. Jagdish Sheth (Series Editor) and published by Sage Publications. Other marketing scholars declared to be Legends include Richard Bagozzi, Shelby Hunt, Philip Kotler, Naresh Malhotra, Kent Monroe, Jagdish Sheth, Yoram “Jerry” Wind, and Gerald Zaltman.

The objective of this series is to ensure that the marketing scholar’s legacy is widely disseminated to the next generation of marketing researchers, and to preserve this body of knowledge as a legacy in the field of marketing. The research work of each Legend is organized into 6-10 volumes by topics and themes in the Legends Series. Each volume in this has a Volume Editor who writes an introductory article about the Legend. There are also 3 to 4 commentaries on the Legends’ work by three other marketing scholars.

Dr. V. Kumar has been recognized with 14 lifetime achievement awards in marketing, as well as the Paul D. Converse Award, the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Long-term Impact Award, and the Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize Award. He has published over 200 articles in many scholarly journals in marketing including the Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing, Journal Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science and Operations Research. His books include Managing Customers for Profit, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Customer Lifetime Value, Marketing Research, Statistical Methods in CRM, International Marketing Research, Profitable Customer Engagement, and Marketing Research: A Global Outlook.

He has won several awards for his research publications including the Don Lehmann Award (six times), the MSI/Paul H. Root Award (thrice), the Robert Buzzell Award, the Davidson Award, the Outstanding Paper Award from the International Institute of Forecasters, and the Sheth Foundation/Journal of the Academey of Marketing Science Best Paper Award. Dr. V. Kumar leads the Marketing Science to Marketing Practice initiative at the INFORMS Society of Marketing Science and has worked with Global Fortune 1000 firms to maximize their profits.

From Sage Publishing:

The Legends in Marketing series captures the essence of the most important contributions made in the field of marketing in the past hundred years. It reproduces the seminal works of the legends in the field, which is supplemented by interviews of these legends as well as by the opinions of other scholars about their work.

The series comprises various sets, each focused on the multiple ways in which a legend has contributed to the field. This sixth set in the series, consisting of 10 volumes, is a tribute to V. Kumar. Known worldwide for his pioneering research on Customer Loyalty and Customer Lifetime Value, Dr. Kumar also has the distinction of being amongst the few people who have been awarded more than one Lifetime Achievement awards for contributions to their field of expertise; in addition to the Paul D. Converse Award for his contributions to advancing the theory and practice of marketing. 

This set includes:

Volume 1: Retailing: Market and Firm level | Editor: Praveen Kopalle

Volume 2: Retailing: Store and Customer Level | Editor: Michael Levy

Volume 3: International Marketing  | Editor: Daniel C. Bello

Volume 4: Forecasting in Marketing | Editor: Kay Peters

Volume 5: Marketing Research: Applications | Editor: Robert P. Leone

Volume 6: Marketing Research: New Methodology | Editor: J. Andrew Petersen

Volume 7: Marketing Strategy: Firm | Editor: Raji Srinivasan

Volume 8: Marketing Strategy: Customer | Editor: Raj Venkatesan

Volume 9: Business-to-Business | Editor: Raj Grewal

Volume 10: Customer Relationship Management | Editor: Denish Shah